Our Leadership
Jennifer Moran
Program Co-Director
Jennifer has been running with the Raleigh Galloway program since 2011 and leading a group since 2013. She is excited about becoming the magnificent Eric Johnson’s “girl Friday” as Assistant Director while remaining committed to the Incredibles. She has completed more than 25 full marathons and a number of half’s. This year, on her 50th birthday, she ran 50 miles- accompanied each step of the way by her amazing Galloway friends. Jennifer teaches voice lessons and directs the choral program at Saint Mary’s School in Raleigh. She grew up in North Hills and now lives there with her husband, Jim, and three children- Augusta, 23, Smith, 21, and Isabel, 18. Jim, Augusta, and Isabel have all run marathons with Galloway- she is still working unsuccessfully on Smith. She loves the Galloway program and the wonderful people that she has gotten to know through their many hours running “Wahula” miles.
Joy Bauer
Program Co-Director
I joined Galloway in the summer of 2014 to train for my first marathon (Disney 2015). I had completed 2 half marathons, but I knew I needed more support to train for a full. The Galloway method got me through my first full happy and healthy and ready to do it again! So far I have run 19 half marathons, 15 fulls and I have completed a 50k and even some sprint triathlons! I hope I can inspire others to fall in love with running like I have. And if you have any suggestions for the website, let me know!
Eric Johnson
Assistant Program Director
I have been involved with the Galloway program since the first year. 2020 was my 13th year as Assistant Program Director and 2021 was my first year as Director. The Galloway Program has afforded me the opportunity to make many new friends. Playing a role in helping runners complete their event is a feeling that motivates me to return year after year. I can promise many bad jokes while running with me. Warning: I’m a puddle stomper so I don’t miss any opportunities to run in the rain.
9:00 Group Leaders
Jo Jo's 2:00 / :30
Jessica Slessman
​I’ve been running since college, but only started “racing” with my first half marathon in 2006. I joined Galloway in 2012 to train for my first marathon at Disney. God had other plans for me when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter right before the race…ha! I took a hiatus from the group when my kiddos were little and joined back up in January 2019 to train for the Emerald Isle marathon. I haven’t looked back! I love running with Galloway and Team Pineapple. These are my people. I’m a better runner, a better racer, and most importantly, I’ve made lifelong friends who are an extension of my family. When things get mentally tough in a race, I think about my son, who is a recent cancer survivor. If he could get through cancer treatment, I can get through mile 23. He’s my inspiration!
9:30 Group Leaders
Sole Train 2:00 / :30
Dexter Howard
My favorite poem is Invictus and a one particular line that's stands out is "I thank whatever gods may be, for my unconquerable soul". Running has meant alot to me. I really enjoy the Galloway program and more importantly all my running friends. The combination motivate me to push on when the miles get long, when I'm tired, and inspires my unconquerable soul.
Missy Orr
I joined the Galloway group in 2009 and ran my 1st marathon that same year. I was hooked. Since then I’ve run 35 marathons. I’ve been a leader of the 9:30 pace group for at least six years.
The Galloway group has become my second family and I owe all my running successes to the people who greet me every Saturday morning. When you run with Galloway, you run with unending support and without judgement.
Rob Hall
I have been involved with the Galloway program since the second year of the Raleigh program and started as a group leader the next year. I keep coming back because of the old friends and the friends I have yet to meet. I have completed a total of 72 marathons and have completed at least one in all 50 states. I love to talk about races and help people reach their goals.
Chris Panzl
I started running with Galloway in 2012, after my first half marathon Tobacco Road. Training solo wasn't easy nor very fun. Since joining Galloway I've learned to be a better runner, improve my nutrition, and have developed awesome friendships. Saturday mornings and race days are so much more fun when you're with your running buddies.
10:00 Group Leaders
Incredibles 1:30 / :30
Jennifer Moran
Jennifer has been running with Galloway since 2011 and leading a group off and on since 2013. This year she is excited about helping out in the Incredibles. She has completed 14 full marathons and a number of half’s. Jennifer teaches voice lessons and directs the choral program at Saint Mary’s School in Raleigh. She grew up in North Hills and now lives there with her husband, Jim, and three children- Augusta, 20, Smith, 18, and Isabel, 14. She loves the Galloway program and the wonderful people that she has gotten to know through their many hours running “Wahula” miles.
Joy Bauer
​I joined Galloway in the summer of 2014 to train for my first marathon (Disney 2015). I had completed 2 half marathons, but I knew I needed more support to train for a full. The Galloway method got me through my first full happy and healthy and ready to do it again! So far I have run 14 half marathons and 15 fulls and I just completed my first 50k! I hope I can inspire others to fall in love with running like I have.
10:30 Group Leaders
WannaBeasts 1:30 / :30
Dasa Raghavan
I joined the Galloway Program in 2007, soon after completing my first marathon (Country Music Marathon '07 at Nashville). I have run 6 marathons 8 half marathons and 1 20K. Every one of them is my favorite for its own particular reason, but if I have to absolutely pick one, it has to be my very first half-a-thon at Victory Junction in 2006. It was a run that made me experience the runner's high and I was hooked after that. 2012 is my first year as a Leader with the 11:00 min pace group. Running on Saturdays with 'The Herd' is pure fun and is a major highlight of my week. I love running to de-clutter my mind and enjoy the personal time it provides. No matter how good I feel, I always feel better after a run. Running is a great way to meet new people, connect with friends, make new ones and set an example to your children. The discipline that a consistent running habit builds in an individual can be carried over to anything that one does in life. "Waddle on, my friends" as "The Penguin" would say, "Waddle on". Just one more mile!
Nora Leet
I didn’t consider myself a runner until 2010 when I signed up for a race series that included a half marathon. After running that half I decided to do a few more, and wound up joining the Half Fanatics (#503) before the year ended. I’ve now run 23 half marathons, 1 full marathon and countless other races. ​In 2018 I moved from MN to The Raleigh area. I found Galloway in January of 2019 and knew immediately that I’d found my running community. Regardless of your experience or pace, you can find your running home with us.
11:00 Group Leaders
Thundering Herd 1:30 / :30
11:30 Group Leaders
Kewl Runners :60 / :30
12:00 Group Leaders
Cruise Control :60 / :30
12:30 Group Leaders
Just Right :30 / :30
Dina Swales
In 2009, at age 45, I ran my first 5K race (the Gail Parkins Run in Raleigh) in memory of a dear friend who had passed away from ovarian cancer. Since then, I have run over 50 5K’s, at least a dozen 8K’s and 10K’s, two 10 milers, and thirteen half marathons. My favorite 13.1 race is Richmond! I have been a proud member of Galloway since May 2013 and participated in its first winter season! My Galloway running groups have included the 11:30’s, the 12’s, and the 12:30’s, and I have served as a team leader for each. I am really looking forward to the 2021 season!
13:00 Group Leaders
Lucky 13's :30 / :30
Steve Strom
Steve was invited by a friend to join a Saturday morning run with the Galloway Raleigh group and has been running with the group since 2008. He has run several marathons and half marathons including Outer Banks, Marine Corps, Chicago and Knoxville.
"Running with Galloway provides a way to stay motivated and enjoy those long runs with friends."
15:00 Group Leaders
Fearless 15's :15 / :30
Water Team

Eric Johnson

Winston Greene

Steve Strom

Gerald Armentrout

Rob Hall

Susan McFarland

Joy Bauer

Laura Valentine